BODY Image Poem: YOUR EYES, by Badradeen Mohammed

When the eyes look at the eyes
It’s always a normal look
But when your look at mine
It’s definitely something else

I feel like there’s no one in the room
Except you, your eyes and me looking at them
My blood pressure goes up
And suddenly down
With no signs of balance

I feel my body going outside the scope of gravity
And realise all what Franklin had said about similarities is true
And your eyes prove Newton wrong
As I fall up in front of them
Not down as that poor apple did

Then I forgot about her and them
About me or him
About where and when
All I see is just you and your adorable eyes

I see scattered messages all over the space of your eyes
I try to collect them
Open them
Read them
Or even translate them into love signs
I always seem to draw blank

I travel through your eyes to the mazes of charm
Trying to manipulate the reality
But whenever I feel I almost got there
Just something or someone interrupts our silence
And a pale smile will be drawn in my face

They are quite bossy
And like twisters, your eyes
I mean I used to read girls eyes
And I used to be a damn romantic
But time has played roughly
So I can’t distinguish your romance
From yours being nice

I admit the fact that I love them
And figured out my level of understanding
Still hasn’t reached the level of your eyes speech
So I got high tonight

I thought might I, could I be able to read messages that your eyes had sent from that point of highness
But I come from my journey with nothing
But confusion

Every time I try to run away from your eyes
I eventually bump into them
Even tonight when I decided not to think of them
I accidentally wrote this poem

Author: poetryfest

Submit your Poetry to the Festival. Three Options: 1) To post. 2) To have performed by an actor 3) To be made into a film.

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