LOVE Poem: Celestial sonata of affection, by Felix Mwiya

A witness in the shadow.
A symphony from the cello.
And celestial light shining
In its perfect timing.

Time vanishes in a glimpse.
Dark as my beloved primps
For the course of the moon.
A night in June.

Ancient aroma in its prime.
Sanctified love in its time.
Priceless wine in its finest.
The wind calmest.

Dancing with my only one;
Curvy, warmth, sweet hun.
Specially betrothed for me.
Goddess of love spree.

Beauty’s perfect in motion;
Glamour’s squashed lemon,
Amassed fox in moonlight,
Tonight’s ferrite.

Am drunken in your love.
Dived into an eternity of
Loyalty thus never cease
My solo piece.

Perpetual is my affection
Witness it my companion,
Lasts ‘till the moon melts,
Poise as roosevelt.

Author: poetryfest

Submit your Poetry to the Festival. Three Options: 1) To post. 2) To have performed by an actor 3) To be made into a film.

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