I’d Write You, Poetry by Nubi Vagant

  Genre: Love, Romance

I’d write you the stars, I’d write you the sky

I’d write you the rivers, That never run dry

I’d write you my heart, I’d write you my skin

I’d write you with red, Flowin’ infinite layers within

I’d write you my senses, My crumbling defenses

I’d write you my soul, My dark to black hole

I’d write you my breath, I’d write you my scent

I’d write you eternity, And every moment spent

I’d write you my love, I’d write you my lust

I’d write you my worship, Everything in gold dust

I’d write you in time, I’d write you in space

I’d write you a now, And a forever in grace

After all I’ve written, So much would still remain

I’d write myself to you, In pleasure and pain.

© mizzlenubivagant ( 17th March, 2016 )


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