RHYME Poem: Girls Can Too, by Carolyn Rosenblatt

She wanted to be a soldier
And they told her, yes, you can
she donned her garb
and went to war
as brave as any man.
They set upon the road at once
assigned an armored truck
She sat in back and did her part
until the wheels got stuck
They all got out
and viewed the scene
They pushed, it all seemed fine
The truck began to move ahead and no one saw the mine
They sent her to her family
A hero in the city,
her body carried to its grave
they said it was a pity
She only chose a soldier’s life so she could prove it true
A girl can do what boys can do
and die as they do, too.

Author: poetryfest

Submit your Poetry to the Festival. Three Options: 1) To post. 2) To have performed by an actor 3) To be made into a film.

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