Read Poem: The last words I ever spoke to my father, by Ross Vassilev

for Rossen V. Vassilev, Ph.D. 1952-2020

Tatko, are you hungry?

Are you thirsty?

Is the room too hot?

Is the room too cold?

Is there anything I can get you?

Do you remember all our walks in the park?

Which park was your favorite?

Do you remember all those summer days

we spent at the beach

listening to the waves

and looking at pretty girls?

Do you remember this photo of you and me

and Baba Snezha?

Do you remember the beach at Burgas?

Remember how we used to cook dinner every night

and then watched movies together?

Remember how we always forgot the bread till

it got all moldy?

Is there anything I can do for you now?

Are you hungry or thirsty?

Was I … a good son?

Did you really tell the nurse

that you’re seeing angels?

What do you keep pointing to in the corner?

Tatko, do you really see angels?