Narrated by Val Cole

Editor and Visual Design by Kimberly Villarruel

Produced by Matthew Toffolo

After centuries of living with nothing, but my love to you, friends,
I found myself surrounded by the luxury of feelings and I am safe
now, I am alive, I am breathing again, but where were you, my friends,
when I was broken? I am calm now, but where were you my friends
when the emptiness encircled me and I was afraid? Where are the friends
when I need them most? I was yearning for knowledge, but from this
day on, I don’t want to know a thing except for, will I be able or not
to love you again, friends. Maybe everything and maybe nothing that I
have given or maybe not given away will ever be really as mine, as my
own breath? Hello friends, I found you after centuries of living with nothing
but my expectations — our life is what our expectations are. I thank you all.

David Dephy
January 2, 2020

Poetry Reading: He Looks Human To Me, by Elly Paul A. Tomas

Performed by Val Cole

Producer/Director: Matthew Toffolo http://www.matthewtoffolo.com

Festival Moderators: Matthew Toffolo, Rachel Elder

Casting Director: Sean Ballantyne

Editors: Kimberly Villarruel, Ryan Haines, John Johnson

Festival Directors: Rachel Elder, Natasha Levy

Camera Operators: Ryan Haines, Temitope Akinterinwa, Efren Zapata, Zack Arch

Poetry Reading: Dan’s Bogey Wall by Si Baker

Performed by Val Cole



Producer/Director: Matthew Toffolo http://www.matthewtoffolo.com
Editor: Kimberly Villarruel

Festival Directors: Mary Cox, Rachel Elder, Natasha Levy

Camera Operators: Hugh Ritchie, Isabal Cupryn, Aser Santos Jr., Zack Arch

Poetry Reading: by Bare Imagination by Gabriel Saldie

Performed by Val Cole



Producer/Director: Matthew Toffolo http://www.matthewtoffolo.com
Editor: Kimberly Villarruel

Festival Directors: Mary Cox, Rachel Elder, Natasha Levy

Camera Operators: Hugh Ritchie, Isabal Cupryn, Aser Santos Jr., Zack Arch

Poetry Reading: Run Mama Run by Ruth AKA Rhscribbles

Performed by Val Cole



Producer/Director: Matthew Toffolo http://www.matthewtoffolo.com
Editor: Kimberly Villarruel

Festival Directors: Mary Cox, Rachel Elder, Natasha Levy

Camera Operators: Hugh Ritchie, Isabal Cupryn, Aser Santos Jr., Zack Arch

Watch the NOVEMBER 2017 Poetry Readings

Poetry Readings performed by Val Cole & Carina Cojeen

The Bane of Whitechapel – Poetry Reading by Lee A Forman

Maybe, There Is Still Hope – Poetry Reading by Melissa R. Mendelson

INDIAN SUMMER – Poetry Reading by Vihang A Naik

FRUSTRATION – Poetry Reading by Patricia Marvin

Escape – Poetry Reading by Farzleen F Khan

Beautiful Dead Dragonfly Why – Poetry Reading by James Gaynor
















The Bane of Whitechapel – Poetry Reading by Lee A Forman


 Performed by Val Cole

Get to know the Poet:

What is the theme of your poem?

Horror / Historical

What motivated you to write this poem?

A documentary about Jack the Ripper.

How long have you been writing poetry?

I’ve been trying my hand at poetry for about a year.

If you could have dinner with one person (dead or alive), who would that be?

Jules Verne.

What influenced you to submit to have your poetry performed by a professional actor?

I’ve written stories for audio drama podcasts and hearing your own work read aloud is very enjoyable.

Do you write other works? scripts? Short Stories? Etc..?

I have written many short stories, magazine articles, and will soon be publishing my first book.

What is your passion in life?

My greatest passion in life is writing. Always will be.


Producer: Matthew Toffolo http://www.matthewtoffolo.com

Director: Kierston Drier
Casting Director: Sean Ballantyne
Editor: John Johnson

Camera Operator: Mary Cox