Poetry Movie: What is Love, by Colin Guest

Poetry by Colin Guest

Narration by Becky Shrimpton

Editor & Visual Design by Carey Dieter

Produced by Matthew Toffolo

POETRY 7 questions:

What is the theme of your poem?


What motivated you to write this poem?

My strong feelings of love for my wife.

How long have you been writing poetry?

I started writing poems back in 1983 while working in Brunei. I have recently written a number of love poems for my wife, with two of them in the final four in WildSound Poetry Festivals, with another of my poems that Julian Ford read out online, in the final four.

If you could have dinner with one person (dead or alive), who would that be?

I think due to my love of writing, it would Le Child, whose writing I think is in a class of its own.

What influenced you to submit to have your poetry performed by a professional actor?

I think the words in my poem would appeal to many people, especially those who do not know the difference between love and desire. Also, by having my poem read out live, it acts to give more publicity to my writing endeavours.

Do you write other works? scripts? Short Stories? Etc..?

I have written and had published two short fiction books, plus one re my life in Turkey where I have lived for over 25 years, and a memoir entitled Follow in the Tigerman’s Footsteps. This covers my working as an expat for nineteen years in fifteen countries spread throughout the Middle, Far East and North Africa. In conjunction with Voyage Media who think my memoir could be used as the basis for a television series, I have written a pitch, which is on a list that Voyage sends out to over 6,000 producers to see if one is interested in using it.

At present, Julian Ford, one of your readers is working on turning my memoir into an audio book. I am presently writing a novel, and had over 14 articles published in online magazines, and one published in a UK expat magazine. I also took part in a live radio show in America re my writing.

What is your passion in life?

My passion is writing and hoping that one day I might have one of my books used as the basis for a film.

Journey from Hell to Eden – Poetry by Colin Guest. Read by Dan Cristofori

Watch Journey from Hell to Eden

Get to know poet Colin Guest:

1) What is the theme of your poem?

The theme is about love arising from a desperate situation.

2) How would you like people to respond when they read or watch your poetry reading?

I would like them to realise that everyone is not as lucky as they are, but life is full of surprises

3) How long have you been writing poetry?

I started writing poems back in 1985 while feeling loney working overseas.

4) Do you have a favorite poet?

No, sorry to say.

5) What influenced you to submit to WILDsound and have your poetry performed by a professional actor?

I have submitted other works to Wildsound with part of a chapter from my memoir, Follow in the Tigerman’s Footsteps read out last year.

6) Do you write other works? scripts? Short Stories? Etc..?

Yes, apart from my memoir I have had An Expat’s Experiences of Living in Turkey published as an ebook. I have also had over 12 articles of mine published in online magazines. One of my poems ended in the last five of a competion, with several published in FanStory.

7) What is your passion in life?

My passion at present is to have my memoir used as the basis for a television series. Voyage media company have made an adaptation of it, with my assisting in getting a Treatment prepared ready to be offered to producers to see if they are interested in making an offer to use it for a television series.

Journey from Hell to Eden, Love Poetry by Colin Guest

From bombs and war I had left my home in search of a safe and better life

But little did I know that on the way I would meet the woman of my dreams

Part of the 2016 LOVE Poetry Festival.

Journey from Hell to Eden
by Colin Guest

From bombs and war I had left my home in search of a safe and better life

But little did I know that on the way I would meet the woman of my dreams

Since all jammed together on a rubber boat and seeing your frightened look

I knew I had to try to keep you safe from harm as we set off across the sea

With your long black windswept hair and eyes flashing like globes of light

It made me forget all about the dangerous crossing we were all then making

No longer did I think of death, but about a chance of our living in paradise

If we could but survive and reach the shore, I knew we would be together

The seas were rough, our journey fraught with danger throughout the night

At times I thought we would not survive the treacherous crossing and drown

But at last we reached the shore, where I held your hand and helped you off

On finding you were all alone with no friends or family to accompany you

I told you not to worry, I would protect and keep you safe from harms way

You nodded and understood I spoke the truth, then took my offered hand

Our journey then was hard to bear with hardship seeming endless everyday

We tramped for many long and weary miles with very little food and water

But no matter which country we passed through, no one wanted us to stay

From sunny days to nights spent huddled together with rain pouring down.

We comforted each other and prayed we would succeed in the end and live

Along with many other immigrants we trudged through fields deep in mud

You became so tired one day, you slipped from my grasp and fell to the ground

As I went to help you stand, the look of despair in your eyes made me feel sad

Once on your feet you cried, shaking in fright with legs aching from the strain

I held you close and told you not to cry, then supporting you, we carried on

After struggling on and coming to a small stream, we stopped to rest and drink

But although cold wet and hungry, we had no other choice but to keep on moving

At times, while passing through villages, a few people handed us food and drink

However, these times were few, with our continually hungry as we journeyed on

After countless long and seeming endless miles, we reached a friendly frontier

As we passed through, I kissed and held you tight, and thought about our future

We were lucky to find friends who managed to find us work and a place to live

Although at first our life was hard, together we did our best to make it a good one

Since then our love has grown ever stronger with smiles replacing looks of terror

Despite it hard to forget how difficult life once was, those days have now all gone

No more do we have to dodge bullets and bombs, for now we’re safe and sound

I bless the time we rode the boat together, for you have made my life complete

Now we are married and it safe to go outside, we feel ourselves living in paradise

Each time we walk along hand in hand, joy is in our hearts with love in our eyes





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Deadline: FREE POETRY Festival – Get your poem made into a MOVIE and seen by 1000s. Three options to submit:

Watch Poetry performance readings:

Watch Poetry made into Movies:

2015 Poetry Contest Finalists

Read the finalists for the 2015 Poetry Contest. Poets were asked to write a poem about 2015 or something that occurred in 2015.

The winning poem will be made into a movie. Winner announced on January 31st.

Read the finalists for the 2015 Poetry Contest. Poets were asked to write a poem about 2015 or something that occurred in 2015.

The winning poem will be made into a movie. Winner announced on January 31st.

Read the 7 poetry finalists:

PARIS – THE ATROCITY 13th November 2015 by Jane-Gill Wilson

2015 by Adrian DeBarros

2015 by Dawdu M.Amantanah

2015, by Gloria D. Gonsalves

Never to old for Love (2015 Poem) by Colin Guest

2015, by Danny Karl Fleming

Star Strider by Tricia Wagner









Never to old for Love (2015 Poem), Poetry by Colin Guest

The year 2015 has been one of great joy and happiness.
With deep and everlasting love overcoming all in its way.
Although there were times of stress from health problems.
All turned out well, with nothing at all serious prevailing.

Never to old for Love (2015 Poem)
by Colin Guest

The year 2015 has been one of great joy and happiness.
With deep and everlasting love overcoming all in its way.
Although there were times of stress from health problems.
All turned out well, with nothing at all serious prevailing.
I thank the stars above for my meeting my wife Gulden.
Who since we met, has been a tower of strength to me.
Giving me the will to overcome any problems I had.
Each time we go out for a walk we always hold hands.
With my smiling in the knowledge that I’m a lucky man.
People sometime stare on seeing us sitting on a bench.
Cuddled up close together and looking so deep in love.
This can be seen by all, as surely as night follows day.
Some no doubt are shocked to see us sometimes kiss.
But we feel no shame about this, our love is no secret.
Many more would for sure, wish they too were like us.
Out and about and enjoying the later years of their life.
Even though we are both now in our early seventies
No matter what the weather, we always enjoy ourselves.
So for us, the year 2015 has been yet another happy year.
With our just hoping to see in many more years together.

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Watch Poetry performance readings:

Watch Poetry made into Movies: